
My new planted named Eduardo tried to kill me...

So today, the BF had a 10% off at Lowe's coupon, and needed a BBQ for his weekend with the boys, so we went to get him a BBQ.  We found one that suits him just fine, but me, being well... me, had to get something too.  What did I fancy so much I just had to have it you might ask?

A plant.  Yes, me with no green thumb what so ever needed a plant.  After scouring the store for the perfect plant, I found one, that is hard to kill made for me.

All is well and I'm ecstatic with Eduardo the plant (Yes, that's his name... he told me!) except that the pant won't fit very well in the car because it is really tallish.  So somehow I wrangle this plant into the front seat with me, a front seat that is pushed WAYYY too far forward I might add because of that damn BBQ, and all seems well.

Before I almost died... all seems well... Innocent BBQ and Plant... Plotting away... 

Let me start part two of this story by mentioning that I wore a dress today...

So we did not even get to the end of the parking lot when I look down and see a spider crawling on my hem... that then decides to bee line (Spider line?) for my.... Crotch!   Yes, that's right.  Spider headed toward my nether parts!!

Me, being the completely rational person I am, start flipping the hell out, screaming and trying to swat the spider/my crotch because how devastating would it be to say you got a cooter spider bite?  I mean really.  WOW.

While this is all happening, the BF is all "ummm.. what do you want me to do?".... Pull over idiot and help me because frankly half the parking lot has now seen my ugly undies, why oh why did it have to be an ugly undie kind of day anyways?   He then goes "Well did you kill it?".... Ummm what do you think DEAR, while I am still swatting away??

Finally I managed to kill the spider; crisis averted, so we could continue our adventure.  But seriously... I could have died... or been really embarrassed having to explain to people that my crotch was swollen because my plant named Eduardo tried to kill me by launching spiders at me.

Me with the offending plant... 

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